MeshCentral - YouTube, OpenSSL, Languages, Filters, Permissions, SSH

It’s been a while since the last post and a lot has been going on. Thanks to the community MeshCentral keeps getting better at a fast pace. More languages, more features, security improvements, better access rights control and some many bug fixes. The community is great and this week, it’s almost overwhelming how many improvements there are. Below is just a sample of all the changes. In detail: MeshCentral YouTube Channel . This last week, the MeshCentral YouTube channel passed 15k views, this is wonderful for a YouTube channel that is just getting started. As usual a new video premieres every Wednesday morning with the next one coming up focused on Intel® AMT. All new MeshAgents with latest OpenSSL . Yesterday the latest MeshCentral was published with new MeshAgents for all operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD) that there compiled using the latest OpenSSL 1.1.1l. Last week, OpenSSL reported two vulnerabilities and these new agents address these issues. Two new MeshCentral L...