MeshCentral - MeshCentral Assistant and Remote Help

It’s always interesting when MeshCentral gains new features that not only make it better but address new adjacent markets. MeshCentral does remote management of devices, but it’s been used occasionally for remote support where users initiate a help request. This week, a major update to MeshCentral Assistant makes MeshCentral a much more capable for user-initiated help. A partial port of the MeshAgent C code to C# was completed and included in MeshCentral Assistant making this tool fully capable of connecting to the MeshCentral server on its own, no agent required. In detail: MeshCentral Assistant Dual Usage . MeshCentral Assistant continues to be a tool that can be used to monitor a MeshAgent running in the background. All previous features remain. However, MeshCentral Assistant can now be downloaded from the MeshCentral server with a “.msh” file included within it’s executable. The inclusion is done automatically by the server and the .msh includes information on how to connect back a...