MeshCentral - IOActive Security Review, CloudFlare, OpenSSL

Work on MeshCentral is continuing at a quick pace and we have a set of security related topics to cover. Earlier this year, the security company IOActive was contracted to perform a security review of MeshCentral. This is important in order to have an independent assessment of issues and where security could be improved. We also added and tested CloudFlare support which is a widely internet service for securing and optimizing the performance of web site. This will help administrator improve their site’s security. Lastly, we updated all MeshCentral agents with the latest OpenSSL security library. In details:

  • IOActive security review. IOActive is a security company that employs researchers that have found many security issues in the past. They have been contracted to perform a security review of MeshCentral. This is important since you want to have independent experts looking at the architecture and code and criticizing it from as many angles as possible. Of course, security is an ongoing process and since MeshCentral is constantly evolving, one must always be vigilant. The review occurred on source code in GitHub between June 15th and July 17th 2020 and IOActive provided the community with a letter indicating the security tasks that where performed. Many issues have been fixes as IOActive reported them and we will have a full report later, likely early next year. As a reminder, if anyone in the community has any security concerns or finds issues, I have a published PGP key that can be used to send encrypted messages.
  • CloudFlare support. CloudFlare is a widely use “proxy-in-the-cloud” service that provides additional security, analytics, caching and performance optimizations to Internet hosted web sites. Often, MeshCentral instances are installed on servers that are behind CloudFlare proxies and so, it’s important that MeshCentral fully supports this configuration. This week, we tested for the first time a MeshCentral instance behind CloudFlare proxies, insured that CloudFlare HTTP headers where processed correctly. We added a new MeshCentral feature that allows the IP address list of trusted CloudFlare proxies to be downloaded by the MeshCentral server on each server start. This makes it very easy to run a MeshCentral instance behind CloudFlare with the more secure settings since extra HTTP headers will only be processed from IP addresses in the trusted list.
  • Latest OpenSSL in all MeshAgents. The MeshAgent makes use of OpenSSL for its TLS encryption and many of its security operations. This week, a new version of OpenSSL 1.1.1i was published to fix security issues and within 10 hours of the publication. All agents (Windows, Linux, macOS, BSD) has been recompiled using the new version of OpenSSL and a new version of MeshCentral was published. When the server is updated, all MeshAgents will also be updated making it easy for administrators to keep up with security fixes.

In addition to all these features, many more fixes and improvements have been made including new version of the agent on all platforms. As usual, feedback is appreciated. If you see any problems and need support on something, please create a new issue on GitHub or help other users.


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