MeshCentral - Version 1.0.0, 802.1x, Gmail OAuth, Multi-Display, Hosting

Today is a big day. With each release the MeshCentral version counter has been getting closer to version v1.0.0 and today is the day it finally happened. There have been 1965 releases of MeshCentral on NPM since the start to this project and it continues at a rapid pace. This week, we have improvements that are targeted at corporate power users with support for configuring Intel AMT 802.1x wired and wireless profiles, Gmail OAuth support, improved multi-display switching and improved user login reports. In detail: MeshCentral Version 1.0.0 . The first version of the modern MeshCentral was v0.0.1-a released over 5 years ago. Since then, 1965 releases have been made on NPM and its finally time to call it version 1. There is nothing special about this specific version, it continues to improve the software and many more versions will come at the regular rate. So, nothing changes except the first digit. This said, it’s still a wonderful accomplishment and I want to thank the community for a...