MeshCentral - YouTube, Amazon AppStore, WebM, Web-RDP and more

It’s been a busy week with many more MeshCentral releases being made with the focus on bug fixes and requests from the community. Still, many new features where added or improved. One fun news this week is that the YouTube channel just passed 10k views, which is not bad for a new channel. The other points of note are the MeshCentral Agent for Android is now on the Amazon App Store and the remote desktop recordings can be converted to WebM format to be played in a normal media player. Just so much going on. In detail: MeshCentral YouTube Channel . In the last few days, the MeshCentral YouTube channel passed 10k views and new videos continue to be added every Wednesday. Since the last blog post on this topic, 3 new videos have been posted. One on session recordings which is very useful for auditing, one of compression which MeshCentral makes extensive use of to lower hosting costs, and the latest video was on MeshCentral Assistant, the user-initiated support tool. Thank you to everyone ...