MeshCentral2 - Mouse Sync, Details Tab, Playback Viewer

It’s been a while since the last blog post, but work continues in many areas and the GitHub community continues to help with feature requests and bug reports. One notable event that happened in the last week is the creation of the all new MeshCentral Reddit forum that will make it easier for MeshCentral users worldwide to exchange ideas and continue to help build the solution forward. Anyone is welcome to post. This week, we got three big items: Remote desktop mouse synchronization . Thanks to Bryan Roe for this complicated feature, the MeshAgent’s built-in remote desktop server now looks at the currently displayed mouse cursor. When the mouse cursor changes, it sends a message to the viewer that also changes the browser cursor on the HTML canvas. The result is that users have a much better and more responsive experience when performing remote desktop. Previously, the same mouse pointer was always shown in the viewer and users has to guess when, for example, the cursor was in...