MeshCentral - Agent update, Paging, SMS gateway, Help emails, LDAP/OpenID, Web relay sharing

Note that I am out on Vacation until October 17th, 2022. These last two weeks have brought a lot more improvements to MeshCentral. The most significant change is a new MeshAgent by Bryan Roe compiled on all platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS, BSD – x86, x86-32, ARM, Apple Silicon). The updated agent brings more stability, less memory leaks, updated OpenSSL and additional features. On top of this, the server has gained many more features including support for accounts with 1000’s of devices, custom SMS gateway support, help request emails, LDAP and OpenID membership improvements and a more. It’s been a crazy two weeks with lots going on. In detail: MeshCentral agent update . Each time MeshCentral is released with a new MeshAgent it’s a big deal as all devices running the agent will get updated when the server update. So you don’t want to mess that up. Bryan Roe worked on new agent code that has undergone more rigid testing and many fundamental issues have been fixes. You can see the compl...