MeshCentral2 - Charts, WebAuthn/FIDO2, Replay Port Maps

This week has been busy with significantly increased traffic on Github , once again, thank you to everyone that is reporting bugs and helping out. We now have real-time server charts showing connection counts and memory use, new support for FIDO2/WebAuthn for second factor authentication and an improved MeshCentral router with relay mapping for remote access to many more devices on remote networks. Live Server Statistics Charts . It’s important to keep track of server load and health and in order to help with this, the latest version of MeshCentral includes a new server statistics tab with live charts of the server’s current state. The graph has animated transitions and will update automatically as time goes by. In addition, you can download the raw chart data using a download button on the upper right of the chart. FIDO2 / WebAuthn Support . MeshCentral already had support for 2 factor authentication hardware tokens using the U2F protocol. However, this is the old way of doing thin...